Trader Joe's Little Brother
Foodie Item: 2 buck Chuck wine
Your Story: sounds like ya'll will be like Trader Joe's--just what SAT downtown needs! have always loved the Riverwalk and area. will definately check you out when you open.
Good Luck!
This is a site where we will be posting all of our foodie stories that have been submitted by you, our visitors as well as discussing food, wine, music and stuff that matters most in life. Good food and good friends.
Foodie Item: 2 buck Chuck wine
Your Story: sounds like ya'll will be like Trader Joe's--just what SAT downtown needs! have always loved the Riverwalk and area. will definately check you out when you open.
Good Luck!
Posted by TRW at 7:41 PM
1 comment:
Hippo 1 Sez,
I can't tell you how many times I've been compared to Trader Joe's. We're pretty much the same except they have 250 stores and we have one. But if you want some grocery trivia how about this; Trader Joe's started out as one store too. I have three stores planned for San Antonio and twenty in Texas alone. Come by and be part of our early beginnings. We're gonna get the wine thing right and I'll ask our wine purveyors about a good cheap bottle of wine. I've tasted the 2-buck-chuck and it was right up there with the 2-buck-steak. However, there is no greater honor than to be compared to Trader Joe's. Thank you and....
Hippo On my Friend
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